- 1994-1997 B.S. Department of Chemistry (化學系), Tung Hai University (東海大學), Taichung.
- 1997-1999 M.S. Department of Applied Chemistry (應用化學系), National Chiao Tung University (國立交通大學), Hsinchu.
- 2003-2007 Ph.D. Department of Applied Chemistry (應用化學系), National Chiao Tung University (國立交通大學), Hsinchu.
- 2007.08-2008.07 Postdoctoral Fellowship Faculty of Medicinal and Applied Chemistry (醫藥暨應用化學系), Kaohsiung Medical University (高雄醫學大學), Kaohsiung.
- 2008.08-2010.04 and 2010.08-2011.07 Postdoctoral Fellowship Department of Chemistry (化學系), National Sun Yat-Sen University (中山大學), Kaohsiung.
- 2010.05-2010.07 Assistant Research Associate, Department of Synthesis Chemistry, YUNGSHIN PhARM. IND. CO., LTD. (永信製藥工業股份有限公司), Taichung.
- 2013/01.06-02.04 Guest Research Associate (客座研究學者) in Prof. Michinori Suginome’s group (杉野目道紀 團隊), Department of Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University (京都大學), Japan.
- 2011.08-2016.07 Assistant Research Professor (科技部助理研究學者, PI), Department of Chemistry (化學系), National Sun Yat-sen University (中山大學).
- 2016.08-2021.01 Assistant Professor (助理教授), Department of Applied Science (應用科學系), National Taitung University (臺東大學).
- 2021.02-Present Associate Professor (副教授), Department of Applied Science (應用科學系), National Taitung University (臺東大學).
- Organic synthesis, especially in direct C-H bond activation/transformations and mechanistic investigation.
- Development of Novel aggregation-induced emission luminogens (AIEgens).
- NSC 100-2113-M-110-008 “過渡金屬催化碳氫鍵活化/官能基化於有機合成上之應用暨反應機制研究”-- 執行期間: 100/08/01-101/07/31, 計畫主持人:朱見和
- NSC 101-2113-M-110-014-MY3 “(I) 過渡金屬催化碳氫鍵活化/官能基化暨反應機制研究,(II)新穎性化學感測器材料設計與合成”-- 執行期間: 101/08/01-104/07/31, 計畫主持人:朱見和
- 01A20951 (中山大學會計編號) “委託製備鄰位芳香基取代咔唑化合物”-- 執行期間: 101/10/09-101/10/31, 計畫主持人:朱見和 (財團法人工業技術研究院)
- MOST-104-2113-M-110-012-MY2 “碳-氫鍵活化反應與催化反應機制研究”-- 執行期間: 104/08/01-106/07/31, 計畫主持人:朱見和
- MOST-106-2113-M-143-001-MY2 “新穎性碳-氫鍵活化反應開發,反應機制研究暨合成應用 ”-- 執行期間: 106/08/01-108/07/31, 計畫主持人:朱見和
- MOST 108-2113-M-143-002 "雙并苯酮分子之鄰位與間位選擇性碳-氫鍵官能基化反應研究" -- 執行期間: 108/08/01-109/07/31, 計畫主持人:朱見和
- MOST 109-2113-M-143-004 "碳-氫鍵活化策略應用於二苯并環庚酮,亞氨基.與金剛烷衍生物之合成" -- 執行期間: 109/08/01-110/07/31, 計畫主持人:朱見和
- MOST 110-2113-M-143-002 "碳-氫鍵活化策略應用於二苯并環庚烯酮之位向選擇性官能基化反應暨異喹啉/氮環庚三烯酮/雙吡唑并吡啶之合成" -- 執行期間: 110/08/01-111/07/31, 計畫主持人:朱見和
- MOST 111-2113-M-143-004 & MOST 112-2113-M-143-001 "碳-氫鍵活化策略應用於3,3'-雙吡唑并[1,5-a]吡啶與7,7'-雙二苯并[f,h]吡唑并[1,5-a]喹啉衍生物之合成暨其聚集誘導放光增強效應性質之研究 (1/2 & 2/2)" -- 執行期間: 111/08/01-113/07/31, 計畫主持人:朱見和
- NSTC 113-2113-M-143-003 "利用環糊精調控 AIE 分子之光物理性質與新穎性碳–氫鍵活化/芳香基化反應開發暨機制研究 (1/3)" -- 執行期間: 113/08/01-114/07/31, 計畫主持人:朱見和
- NSTC 114-2113-M-143-001 "利用環糊精調控 AIE 分子之光物理性質與新穎性碳–氫鍵活化/芳香基化反應開發暨機制研究 (2/3)" -- 執行期間: 114/08/01-115/07/31, 計畫主持人:朱見和
- NSTC 115-2113-M-143-001 "利用環糊精調控 AIE 分子之光物理性質與新穎性碳–氫鍵活化/芳香基化反應開發暨機制研究 (3/3)" -- 執行期間: 115/08/01-116/07/31, 計畫主持人:朱見和
- 106 年度臺東大學理工學院 [優良導師獎]
- 106 年度臺東大學 [全校優良導師獎]
- 107 年度臺東大學理工學院 [教學傑出教師獎]
- 113 年度國科會研究獎勵 (第二級)
- ICCEOCA-17 亞洲尖端有機化學會議 (2024) - Lectureship Award (Singapore) (https://www.icceoca17.org/)
- MOST 107-2813-C-143-029-M "以(口+比)啶基作為導向基團進行1-羥基芴酮 之鄰位芳香化反應研究" -- 執行期間: 107/07/01 ~ 108/02/28 學生: 蘇哲弘 (指導教授: 朱見和)
- MOST 108-2813-C-143- 011-M "以鈀金屬催化碳-氫鍵活化/官能基化策 略進行金剛烷衍生物之合成方法開發" -- 執行期間: 108/07/01 ~ 109/02/28 學生: 黃琬雯 (指導教授: 朱見和)
- MOST 109-2813-C-143-013-M "利用啶作為可移除式導向基團結合鈀 金屬催化 N-methylbenzamide 之碳 (sp3)-氫鍵官能基化反應研究" -- 執行期間: 109/07/01 ~ 110/02/28 學生: 林虔彣 (指導教授: 朱見和)
- MOST 110-2813-C-143-002-M "利用吡啶作為可移除式導向基團結合鈀金屬催化 3,4-二氫異喹啉-1(2H)- 酮之碳(sp3)-氫鍵活化暨官能基化反應研究" -- 執行期間: 110/07/01 ~ 111/02/28 學生: 陳詩芸 (指導教授: 朱見和)
- NSTC 112-2813-C-143-022-M "鈀金屬催化碳-氫鍵活化合成 3,7-雙芳香基取代吡唑并[1,5-a]吡啶暨其聚集誘導螢光性質研究" -- 執行期間: 112/07/01 ~ 113/02/28 學生: 莊秉翰 (指導教授: 朱見和)
- NSTC 113-2813-C-143-038-M "利用碳-氫鍵活化策略合成雙(聯苯基)取代雙吡唑并[1,5-a]吡啶暨環糊精包覆作用下之聚集誘導放光性質研究" -- 執行期間: 113/07/01 ~ 114/02/28 學生: 江羿樺 (指導教授: 朱見和)
- 2020 化學年會大專生研究論文競賽: 蘇哲弘『新秀獎』(複試決選) (指導教授: 朱見和)
- 2021 化學年會研究生論文獎競賽: 蕭普晏『許自然化學合成研究論文 準佳作獎』(指導教授: 朱見和)
- 2021 第五屆 ACS 台灣分會研究生研討會 (The 5th ACS Chemical Science Chapter of Taiwan): 陳科諒『Outstanding Poster Presentation Award』(指導教授: 朱見和)
- 國立臺東大學『109 級學士班畢業生傑出表現獎』- 蘇哲弘 (應用科學系,指導教授: 朱見和)
- 2024 南區化學年會(高雄大學):林佑蓁 - 有機化學 口頭報告組 『優選』;莊秉翰、江羿樺、蕭如吟 - 有機化學 壁報組 『優選』。
- 2024 化學年會『李長榮化學新秀論文獎』: 莊秉翰 (指導教授: 朱見和)
- 2024 化學年會『李長榮化學新秀論文獎』: 曾琳恩 (指導教授: 朱見和)
- 2024 化學年會『優秀壁報論文獎』: 江羿樺 (指導教授: 朱見和)
- Nature Communications
- Chemistry-A European Journal
- Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis
- The Journal of Organic Chemistry
- Organic Letters
- Organometallics
- Inorganic Chemistry
- The Journal of Physical Chemistry
- Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society
- New Journal of Chemistry
- RSC Advances
- ChemistrySelect
- 演講題目: Palladium and Palladium-Free Catalyzed Direct C-H Functionalization and Mechanistic Investigation. 有機小組會議, 台北 (臺灣師範大學),April 28,2018。
- 演講題目: Synthesis of 2-Aminobenzophenones, Acridanones, Dibenzosuber-ones/enones via C-H Bond Activation Strategy. 臺灣師範大學化學系,2019。
- 演講題目: C-H Bond Activation Strategy Applied in Organic Synthesis. 高雄醫學大學醫藥暨應用化學系,2020。
- 演講題目: C-H Bond Activation Strategy Applied in Synthesis of AIEgens and Bioactive Molecules. 成功大學化學系,Nov 1,2022。
- 演講題目: C-H Bond Activation Strategy Applied in Synthesis of AIEgens and Bioactive Molecules. 東海大學化學系,Nov 21,2022。
- 演講題目: C-H Bond Activation Strategy Applied in Synthesis of AIEgens and Bioactive Molecules. 陽明交通大學應用化學系,May 5,2023。
- 演講題目: C-H Bond Activation Strategy Applied in Synthesis of AIEgens and Bioactive Molecules. 化學年會 (高雄大學),高雄,Mar 12,2023。
- 演講題目: C-H Bond Activation Strategy Applied in Synthesis of AIEgens and Bioactive Molecules. International Virtual Conference on Recent Trends in Organometallics and Material Science (ICRTOMS - 2023), July 6-7, India.
- 演講題目: C-H Bond Activation Strategy Applied in Synthesis of AIEgens and Bioactive Molecules. 東華大學化學系,Nov 8,2024 。
- 演講題目: Recent Advances in Palladium-Mediated C-H Bond Activation and Functionalization. 17th International Conference on Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia (中研院/台北), Nov 29-Dec 2, 2024.
- Jean-Ho Chu “Synthesis of Novel Bipyrazolo[1,5-a]pyridine as Aggregation-Induced Emission Enhancement Luminogens” The 15th International Conference on Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia (ICCEOCA-15) 25-26 July 2022 (Invited poster presentation).
- Jean-Ho Chu "Application of C-H bond activation strategy in synthesis of dibenzosuberones bearing an isoxazole group and ortho-arylated/alkylated acridinones" 14rd International Symposium on Organic Reaction 2020,Yokohama, Japan. (short Invited Lecture)
- Jean-Ho Chu "Palladium-Catalyzed Late-Stage Ortho-C-H Bond Arylation and Alkylation of 9(10H)-Acridanone Utilizing 2-Pyridinyl as a Removable Directing Group" 18th Asian Chemical Congress 2019, Taipei, Taiwan. (Special Oral Presentation)
- Jean-Ho Chu "Late-Stage Ortho-C-H Bond Arylation and Alkylation of 9(10H)-Acridanone Utilizing 2-Pyridinyl as a Removable Directing Group" 47th Naito Conference on C-H Bond Activation 2019, Sapporo, Japan. (Poster presentation for 5 minutes)
- Jean-Ho Chu "Facile Synthesis of Dibenzosuberones via Palladium(II)-Catalyzed Intramolecular C-H Activation/C-C Coupling of Ortho-Aroylated 3,5-Diarylisoxazole" 4th International Symposium on C-H Activation 2018, Yokkohama, Japan. (Poster Presentation)
- Jean-Ho Chu "Palladium-Catalyzed Direct Ortho-Aroylation of Phenols and Anilines, and Mechanistic Investigation" 13rd International Symposium on Organic Reaction 2018, HsinChu, Taiwan (short Invited presentation).
- Jean-Ho Chu "Palladium-Catalyzed Direct C-H Functionalization of Arylisoxazoles, Phenols, Anilines and Pyrazolopyridines" 43rd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry 2018, Sendai, Japan. (Oral Presentation)
- Jean-Ho Chu “Palladium-Catalyzed Direct Ortho-Aroylation of Phenols and Anilines, and Mechanistic Investigation” 13th International Symposium on Organic Reactions, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Nov. 22-24, 2018. (Short Invited Lecture)
- Jean-Ho Chu “Palladium-Catalyzed Direct C-H Functionalization of Arylisoxazoles, Phenols, Anilines and Pyrazolopyridines” 43rd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, Sendai, Japan, July 30-August 4, 2018. (Invited Oral Presentation)
- Jean-Ho Chu “Palladium-Catalyzed Regioselective Arylation of Pyrazolo[1,5-a]pyridines via C-H Activation and Synthetic Applications on P38 Kinase Inhibitors” The International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Center, Melbourne, Australia, July 17-22, 2016. (Invited Oral Presentation)
- Jean-Ho Chu “Palladium-Catalyzed Direct Ortho Aroylation of 2-Phenoxypyridines with Aldehydes and Catalytic Mechanism Investigation” The International Kyoto Conference on Organic Chemistry, Rihga Royal Hotel, Kyoto, Japan, Nov 9-13, 2015. (Invited Oral Presentation)
Publication List:
- Chu, J.-H.; Li, W.-S.; Chao, I.; Chung, W.-S. “Face Selectivity in the Reactions of 2.4-Disubstituted Adamantanes and their Modification by Inclusion in beta-Cyclodextrin Solutions” Tetrahedron 2004, 60, 9493.
- Chu, J.-H.; Li, W.-S.; Chao, I.; Lee, G.-H.; Chung, W.-S. “Regio Selectivity in the 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition of Adamantylidenefulvene and Its Modification by Inclusion in Cyclodextrins Solutions” Tetrahedron 2006, 62, 7380.
- Chu, J.-H.; Chen, C.-C.; Wu, M.-J. “Palladium-Catalyzed Arylation and Alkylation of 3,5-Diphenylisoxazole with Boronic Acids via C-H Activation” Organometallics 2008, 27, 5173-5176. (https://doi.org/10.1021/om800606c)
- Chu, J.-H.; Chen, Y.-J.; Wu, M.-J. “Mild Oxidation of Diarylacetylenes to 1,2-Diketones Using Oxone in Trifluoroacetic Acid” Synthesis 2009, 2155-2162.
(DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1216800)
- Chu, J.-H.; Tsai, S.-L.; Wu, M.-J. “Palladium(II)-Catalyzed Arylation of 2-Phenylpyridines with Potassium Aryltrifluoroborates via C-H Functionalization” Synthesis 2009, 3757-3764. (DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1217014)
- Chu, J.-H.; Lin, P.-S.; Wu, M.-J. “Palladium(II)-Catalyzed Ortho Arylation of 2-Phenoxypyridines with Potassium Aryltrifluoroborates via C-H Functionalization” Organometallics 2010, 29, 4058-4065. (https://doi.org/10.1021/om100494p)
- Ho, I-T.; Chu, J.-H.; Chung, W.-S. “Calix[4]arene with Lower-Rim beta-Amino-alpha,beta-Unsaturated Ketones Containing Bis-Chelating Sites as a Highly Selective Fluorescence Turn-on Chemosensor for Two Copper(II) Ions” Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2011, 1472-1481. (Coauthors contributed equally to this work)
- Chu, J.-H.; Lin, P.-S.; Lee, Y.-M.; Shen, W.-T.; Wu, M.-J. “Palladium(II)-Catalyzed One-Pot Syntheses of 9-(Pyridin-2-yl)-9Hcarbazoles through a Tandem C-H Activation/C-X (X= C or N) Formation Process” Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 13613-13620. (https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.201101528)
- Tsai, C.-C.; Ho, I.-T.; Chu, J.-H.; Shen, L.-C.; Chung, W.-S. “Synthesis of 9,10-Bis-ketoenaminoanthryl and 9,10-Bis-isoxazolylanthryl Linked Biscalix[4]arenes: Atropisomers and Molecular Recognitions” J. Org. Chem. 2012, 77, 2254-2262.
- Chu, J.-H.;* Wu, C.-C.; Chang, D.-H.; Lee, Y.-M.; Wu, M.-J.* “Direct Ortho Arylation of 9-(Pyridin-2-yl)-9H-carbazoles Bearing a Removable Directing Group via Palladium(II)-Catalyzed C-H Bond Activation” Organometallics 2013, 32, 272-282.
- Tsai, C.-C.; Chang, K.-C.; Ho, I.-T.; Chu, J.-H.; Cheng, Y.-T.; Shen, L.-C.; Chung, W.-S.* “Evolution of Nano- to Microsized Spherical Assemblies of Fluorogenic Biscalix[4]arene into Supramolecular Organogel” Chem. Commun. 2013 49, 3037-3039. (https://doi.org/10.1039/C3CC40334C)
- Tsai, C.-C.; Cheng, Y.-T.; Chang, K.-C.; Ho, I.-T.; Chu, J.-H.; Shen, L.-C.; Chung, W.-S.* “Biscalix[4]arene Derivative As a Very Efficient Phase Selective Gelator for Oil Spill Recovery” Org. Lett. 2013, 15, 5830-5833.
- Chu, J.-H.;* Huang, H.-P.; Shu, W.-T.; Chen, S.-T.; Wu, M.-J.* “Palladium(II)-Catalyzed Direct Ortho Arylation of 4-Methyl-N-phenylpyridin-2-amines via C-H Activation/C-C Coupling and Synthetic Applications” Organometallics 2014, 33, 1190-1204. (https://doi.org/10.1021/om401195w)
- Chu, J.-H.;* Hsu, W.-T.; Wu, Y.-H.; Chiang, M.-F.; Hsu, N.-H.; Huang, H.-P.; Wu, M.-J.* “Substituent Electronic Effects Govern Direct Intramolecular C-N Cyclization of N-(Biphenyl)pyridin-2-amines Induced by Hypervalent Iodine(III) Reagents” J. Org. Chem. 2014, 79, 11395-11408. (https://doi.org/10.1021/jo501822m)
- Chu, J.-H.;* Chen, S.-T.; Chiang, M.-F.; Wu, M.-J.* “Palladium(II)-Catalyzed Direct Ortho Aroylation of 2-Phenoxypyridines with Aldehydes and Catalytic Mechanistic Investigation” Organometallics 2015, 34, 953-966.
- Wu, H.-C.; Chu, J.-H.;* Hwang, L.-C.; Wu, M.-J.* “Palladium-Catalyzed Regioselective Arylation of Pyrazolo[1,5-a]pyridines via C-H Activation and Synthetic Applications on P38 Kinase Inhibitors” Organometallics 2016, 35, 288-300. (https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.organomet.5b00988)
- Chu, Y.-L.; Chen, Y.-A.; Li, W.-C.; Chu, J.-H.; Chen, C.-H.; Chiang, C.-M. “Mechanistic insights into light-driven graphene-induced peroxide decomposition: radical generation and disproportionation” Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 9291-9294.
- Jean-Ho Chu,* Meng-Fan Chiang, Chin-Wei Li, Zhe-Hong Su, Shao-Chi Lo, and Ming-Jung Wu* “Palladium-Catalyzed Late-Stage ortho-C−H Bond Aroylation of Anilines Using 4‑Methoxy-2-pyridinyl as a Removable Directing Group.” Organometallics 2019, 38, 2105-2119.
- Chih-Ling Wang, Jui Hsieh, Li-Wei Lee, Jing-Yun Wu, Pu-Yen Hsiao, Jean-Ho Chu, Chih-Min Wang* “An Unprecedented Interpenetrating Structure Built from Two Differently Bonded Frameworks: Synthesis,Characteristics, and Efficient Removal of Anionic Dyes from Aqueous Solutions.” Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25, 7815 – 7819.
- Ming-Jung Wu* and Jean-Ho Chu* "Directing group assists in transition metal-catalyzed siteselective C-H bond activation/transformations" J. Chin. Chem. Soc. 2020, 67, 399-421. ( https://doi.org/10.1002/jccs.201900471)
- Tung Chao, Zhe-Hong Su, Ko-Wang Yen, Ming-Jung Wu,* Jean-Ho Chu* “Synthesis of Dibenzosuberones Bearing an Isoxazole Group via Palladium-Catalyzed Intramolecular C-H/C-Br Bond Cross-Coupling of Ortho-Aroylated 3,5-Diarylisoxazoles.” J. Org. Chem. 2020, 85, 5559-5569.
- Jean-Ho Chu,* Zhe-Hong Su, Ko-Wang Yen, Hsuan-I Chien "Investigation of Stepwise and Stoichiometric Palladium-Mediated ortho-C-H Bond Arylation and Alkylation of 9(10H)-Acridinone." Organometallics 2020, 39, 3168-3179.
- 朱見和* 蘇哲弘 晏可旺 "金屬催化試劑媒介碳-氫鍵活化策略於有機合成上的應用" 化學,中國化學學會,2020,78,309-321。
- 朱見和* 林虔彣 "吡啶作為反應性可調節式導向基團於過渡金屬媒介碳-氫鍵活化反應中之應用" 綠色科學學刊,臺東大學,2020,10,76-92。
- Pu-Yen Hsiao and Jean-Ho Chu* “Novel Bipyrazolo[1,5-a]pyridine Luminogens with Aggregation-Induced Emission Enhancement Properties" Chem. Commun. 2021, 57, 12281-12284. (https://doi.org/10.1039/D1CC05371J)
- 朱見和* 陳科諒 蕭普晏 "有機分子之聚集誘導發光效應" 綠色科學學刊,臺東大學,2021, 11, 38-49。
- Wu, Chia-Hung; Chu, Jean-Ho; Chou, Chih-Hung; Lin, Po-Chiao; Ong, Chi Wi; Chiang, Chao-Ming* "Ester-carbene and Its Dimerization with Exclusive Cis-selectivity on a Silver Surface" J. Phys. Chem. C 2022, 126, 2482-2492. (https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c09050)
- Pu-Yen Hsiao, Rong Chang, Andrew C.-H. Sue, and Jean-Ho Chu*, Yi-Hsin Lee, and Jui-Yang Huang “Synthesis and Mechanistic Investigation of Bipyrazolo[1,5-a]pyridines via Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Dehydrogenative Coupling of Pyrazolo[1,5-a]pyridines” J. Org. Chem. 2022, 87, 9851-9863.(https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.joc.2c00895).
- 朱見和*、莊秉翰、廖冠維 "大環有機發光分子之合成暨其光學材料之應用介紹" 綠色科學學刊,臺東大學,2022,12,1-13。
- Shih-Yun Chen,‡ Zong-Xin Lin,‡ Rong Chang,‡ Chien-Wen Lin,‡ Li-Ching Shen, Andrew C.-H. Sue, Mei-Chun Tseng, Jean-Ho Chu* “Palladium-Mediated C(sp3)−H Bond Activation of N-Methyl-N-(pyridin-2-yl)benzamide: Direct Arylation/Alkylation and Mechanistic Investigation” J. Org. Chem. 2023, 88, 8441-8453. (‡Contribute equally to this work.) (https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.joc.3c00429)
- 科技部圖書服務計畫化學中心總圖書室 Newsletter Archive - 國科會自然處《化學圖書服務計畫》112年9月號電子報 (benchmarkemail.com)
- 朱見和*, 莊秉翰, 江羿樺, 蕭如吟, 曾琳恩, 李晉, 廖冠維, 林中信 "碳–氫鍵活化合成策略於新穎性聚集誘導發光材料分子開發" 化學,中國化學學會,2024 ,82,65-79。(https://doi.org/10.6623/chem.202403_82(1).003)
- Jean-Ho Chu,* Jin Lee,§ Guan-Wei Liao,§ Lin-En Zeng,§ Chien-Wen Lin,§ Ching-Hung Cheng, Wen-Chieh Lin, Li-Ching Shen, Guo-Feng Chen, Rong Chang, Andrew C.-H. Sue "Palladium-Mediated Site-Selective C–H Bond Activation and Arylation of 9(10H)-Acridinone and Mechanistic Investigation: Stoichiometric and Catalytic Approaches" Organometallics 2024, 43, 2349-2367. (§Contributed equally to this work.)
- Wan-Wen Huang,⊥ Jin Lee,⊥ You-Zhen Lin,⊥ Ying-Hui Chen, Eldhose V. Varghese, Chia-Hsiang Chen, Jean-Ho Chu* "Palladium-Mediated ortho C-H bond Activation of Dibenzosuberenone: Direct Arylation/Alkylation and Mechanistic Investigation" 2025 (Under Preparation for Publication, ⊥Contributed equally to this work.)
- Lin-En Zeng, Yi-Hua Jiang, Pei-Shen Xiao, Hsi-Min Kao, Jean-Ho Chu* "Palladium-Mediated ortho C-H Bond Arylation of 7-Arylpyrazolo[1,5-a]pyridines Applied in Synthesis of 7,7'-Bis(biaryl)-3,3'-bipyrazolo[1,5-a]pyridine-Based Luminogens" 2025 (Under Preparation for Publication).